
The Full-function Interactive Voice Response System for JURY+ Next Generation®

IntegraVox is pleased to partner with Jury Systems, Inc. (JSI), the leading provider of Jury Administration software, to bring you JuryPhone™, a full-function interactive voice response (IVR) system solution designed specifically to work with JSI's popular JURY+ Next Generation product. JuryPhone provides the following benefits:

  • Increases jury staff productivity while providing a higher level of service and convenience to jurors.
  • Runs on industry standard hardware that’s scalable to handle your court’s call volume requirements.
  • Available in both touchtone and combination touchtone/speech recognition versions.
  • Designed to automatically handle different processing requirements for different court locations, if required.
  • Is easily modifiable to meet the requirements of your court’s Jury Administration department.
  • Provides features both for the public and for Jury Administration staff, based on our many years of experience in working with Jury, that are not available in our competitors' products.
  • Represents an affordable, low-cost alternative to in-house or contracted IVR system development.

JuryPhone is fully integrated with JURY+ Next Generation so that you only have to specify all business rules in the JURY+ Next Generation IVR/IWR Access Module controls (e.g. the number of service postponements allowed per year, the maximum number of months jurors can postpone from their original summons date, valid orientation dates, etc)and JuryPhone will adjust its processing accordingly.

Download JuryPhone Functions Diagram (pdf).

Our thorough knowledge of the JURY+ Next Generation program gives us an advantage over our competition in designing a Jury IVR application that allows you to get the most from both your IVR and JURY+ Next Generation investment. Add to that the fact that our prices are fully 50% below those of our closest competitor and you'll see why our customers are so glad they chose JURYPhone.

Listen to a typical script for obtaining juror reporting instructions using the touchtone version of JuryPhone
Goto Demo

Listen to a typical script for obtaining juror reporting instructions using the combination touchtone/speech recognition version of JuryPhone.
Goto Demo

Listen to a typical script for postponing jury service using the touchtone version of JuryPhone.
Goto Demo

Hear what it sounds like to transfer from JuryPhone to a Jury Administration agent (for such things as processing an excuse request). Note that before transferring the call, JuryPhone will play to the agent the JURY+ Next Generation badge number entered by the caller in response to the voice response system prompt.
Goto Demo

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