Los Angeles County

Los Angeles Superior Court Juror Services Call Centers Go Live with NEC Phone System - September, 2004.

L.A.County Employee Working with IntegraVox and Los Angeles Superior Court Juror Services, NEC Unified Solutions completed the installation of two NEC NEAX 2400 IPX PBX systems at the Court's two Juror Services Call Centers in Los Angeles County. The switches support 120 staff members distributed between the two Call Center sites using the NEAX2400 circuit switched architecture, as well as several remote agents who connect to the system using the switch's VoIP module.

The NEAX systems front end the Juror Services 432-line InterVoice IVR application (800-SRV-JURY), which processes an average of 650,000 calls per month. CTI servers from Technology for Business (TFB) provide agent screen pop from the Court's mainframe-based Jury Management System.

Navigator, NEC's call routing software product, evenly distributes calls to the next available agent, regardless of location, and provides call center supervisors with detailed real-time queue activity reporting.

Based on reduced telephone and mainframe usage costs, the Court expects the new system to pay for itself in a little over a year.

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